We have had some tremors recently… several in a row following the big one the other day. Here is the report… and a pic.
Interesting how they make a series…
“…I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumblin’ down, tumblin’ down…”
… join in when you want to
Last night it was recorded at an initial 5.9, but has since been upgraded to a more exciting 6.3 As a result, the map on the below shows a larger blob than the one I posted.
Earthquake report at the USGS click for info
I was just on the phone to Jo in London. I started brushing my teeth when the whole world started spinning and shaking. That felt like a nasty one! Why does the earth insist on moving?!
(sorry the maps do not fit the window! it is too late at night to sort it out properly)
I almost shat myself…
I had my first real earthquake today. I have felt a few tremors up to now, but this was the real deal. It was at lunch time and I was in the cafeteria – underground – and even then it felt like I was on a boat. Side to side but also up and down movement… somewhat akin to a boat docking with a port I suppose. Very strange and serene, more than scary.
In Taipei, it was 4.0 on the Richter scale, and 7 at its epicentre.