Tag: Food

  • Essential Beer

    Some great products around the place…. “Essential Beer”…. yes it is.

    And the ubiquitous Hello Kitty brand… it gets EVERYWHERE. Any product you can think of has been infected with the pink disease…. but this one is quite cool. It’s a CD player.

    An amazing smoke mask that is somewhat more melodramatic than usual in Europe!

    The local condom brand “Stonker Donker”

    … and even numbers sprayed onto the side of crates become interesting:

  • Saturday Fun. Sunday Pain.

    Friday after work went and had a steak in the foreign quarter with a few team members. It was a real experience to dine in Taiwan but using a knife and fork. Did not feel natural! Still, the steak was good and it was amusing to go to a pan-european/usa/australian restaurant to experience ‘the west.’

    On Saturday I went and saw a pretty cool flat in a great location, interesting interior design (mezzanine level, sunken bedroom… sliding panels!) but sadly someone beat me to the deposit on Sunday so the search continues. Met a local girl with Michael who wanted to talk English so we went to a hotpot restaurant and set fire to lots of food and overcookd the rest. Not impressive!

    On Saturday we went to The Wall club again to check some local live music talent (100% hit rate of saturday nights at the place!) and it was good. Met some Taiwanese designers and some more local Taiwan staffers and people in advertising. Somehow we ended up at a club called Roxy 99s and it was drinking destruction. Not good at all. Even worse the next day, with one of the worst over hangs I have ever experienced – and somehow waking in a hotel room made it much, much worse.

    However, Michael had just got hold of a scooter for the first time so we rode of the hangover by accelerating off down the motorway… it’s just that we did not know the protocols of turning (there are none) so we just kept straight until we found a restaurant where we ate! Local hotpots, where you make your own stew on the table are delicious and cheap, and always busy.

    After, I met up with Anke and Lars (Anke I work with and Lars is her designer boyf) and a few other people at a Thai restaurant downtown. I was not with it in any way, so went the wrong way down the undergrouns system and overshot the exit I wanted… and then exited and walked down the wrong street. However, Anke scooped me up and I ate dinner again… some of the best food I have ever had. Need to go here again, and more importantly Thailand!

    And on the way home overshot my MRT stop. Great.

  • Mildly Drunk

    i have spent today waliking around the markets… i tell you … mad… just totally intense. and much more so than you would think

    also, you would be right in thinking that yes i am a little drunk. okay. i admit it. i have been having fun with two of the designers from the department. all i have done today is eat and drink. still getting used to the money. sometimes things are so cheap and sometimes so expensive. an obvious statement, but when I eat a meal for 330 NT$ then buy a beer for 250 NT$ it makes you re-evaluate.

    plus. a few points of listening to old boys playing mah jong under the bridge. going to the night market and being blown away. … and apparently melting the kettle in my room as it for some reason does not switch off…?

    ate sushi. oh my god. mmm

    and i have to say that in general this is a really nice place. spent a good few hours walking around and the people are friendly. much more affluent than i expected.


    woke up to a small tremor in bed – yes an earthquake. apparently normal. whoa, i went.

    then went walking around. they kill a chicken for you at the market, then put it in a de-featheriser. then put it in a bag. 30 seconds. mad.

    went to club after seeing a chinese rock band. They have an emerging sub-culture here that will be quite interesting to see develop. You begin to see skater kids and tattoos and attitude.