Tag: Pure Insight

  • Pure Insight – Innovation in Asia

    Last night, working with Mark Stocker at DDG, we conducted a second online seminar with Pure Insight. Unlike the bulk of their presentations (far more McKinsey in style, with lots of graphs and metrics and other things to lean on) we kept it much more conversational and anecdotal. Unlike the previous session, this ‘Members Only Call’ allowed people to call in with their questions. It really felt like a radio show!

    Pure Insight – Innovating in the East: Managing Teams and Partnerships in Asia

    … and the good news is, that’s the last of the major commitments I have made in the last few months coming home. I think I will give myself a bit of a breather, and allow some space for some more Chinese homework!

  • Pure Insight – Outsourcing Innovation

    Last week, amongst trying to relax with the family, I hosted an online ‘Webinar’ for a company called Pure Insight. The title? “The Next Logical Step? Outsourcing Your Innovation to Asia

    I have used online meeting tools a fair amount in the past, but this was the first time I was driving a session, with a group of listeners around the world, and with no feedback except an MSN Messenger-style window.

    It was quite a tense build-up, but the session went pretty well, and I’ll be back next month for some more in-depth discussion with a few members.