Tag: Yangming Mountain

  • YangMing Mountain & Mother’s Day

    On Sunday, we met up with Larsandanke, plus Alex and headed off for the mountains and hot springs. My parents had clearly brought fantastic weather with them from Blighty and we took the bus up to the highest point of the pass. At the top are several acres of grass, and this seems to be very rare in Taiwan, since bus loads of locals went up to look at it. I have to say, as an Englishman and someone who appreciates good grass that this particular turf was not bad, and all the better for being naturally cropped by a fleet of water buffalo.

    The green, green grass of home

    Three grinning Brits abroad

    Over the ridge is the large crater formed by the sulphurous outpourings of my local volcano. Clearly, it smells of eggs, but it was quite an impressive sight. The fumuroles were a deeply acidic green colour and the gas gushing into the atmosphere – an arresting sight in the sun.

    A real stinker

    After that, we descended the few remaining kilometres to the open hot springs. Most in Taiwan have been tapped by viscous, evil hotel chains but this one has been left natural. From the left is fresh spring water from the hills. From the right, hot volcanic water. You select your temperature by moving from pool to pool and apply mud to areas that need mudding. Every quarter of an hour or so stand under the waterfall to cool off. Repeat until sleepy. Apply Thai food liberally. Sleep.

    Hot Springs

  • Biking Yang Ming Shan

    I finally got to go mountain biking after waiting 2 weeks to get on the thing, due to company commitments. I headed out with Lars, who is not a cyclist, but who is very fit – fitter than me! I was also suffering from one too many Belgian beers from the previous night, so Jonny Armstrong was not quite on top form. Still, we had a cool day and I got to try my bike out a little on some back woods trails (until we hit steep steps).

    The coolest bit was happening upon a golf course, rocking up and demanding a session in the driving range. Since we were paying good money and the place was mostly empty they lest us in, surrounded by slightly strange looking locals in lots of brand mame Pringle and Lacoste. We fitted right in, with red faces and muddy legs.

    My swing started a bit badly, but I got into a quite impressive series of long distance shots with incredible amounts of slice. I almost cleared the fence a couple of times… but to the side. Still, the auto-dispensing machine and the crack of the balls flying off into the distance was very entertaining, and great after a hard bike ride.

    Nike Poobahs and Astroturf do not mix
