
  • Ken in San Francisco

    Ken in San Francisco

    My first house guest!

    Ken was in town to take care of activities at the hand-built bike show over in Sacramento, and managed to set aside some good time to hang out at the house, and with the Sitzer clan. Good times.

    Hannah and Mia fully mature in the back of the car.
    Ken's ride; the ridiculous Dodge Charger / cop car. It made satisfying 'whaaarrrrr' sounds while pretending to accelerate.
    Classic Alameda Flea Market Chaos … I came away with a couple of lamp bases, a vase, some egg cups (thanks to Hannah), and basically none of the stuff that I originally went to purchase.
    Flea market purgatory (these are Ken's pics, by the way … I rather like this one)
    Instagram – "Feets"
    Adjusting the stereo?
    Feeling a little more energetic on the way home.
  • Noe Night Vision

    Noe Night Vision

    It’s odd, for the last few months in the USA I have not felt the urge to grab my SLR to take photos. But, last night I suddenly felt the urge to use a real camera, so on the way to dinner with a friend I grabbed my 5D and rattled off a few shots. More to come.

    Looking through the door of the local laundromat – they always feel like such lonely places.
    The star of the local community – the corner shop.
    Piled high with great fruit, veg, and other delicate comestibles.
  • Gone Skiin’

    Gone Skiin’

    More used to 2m slalom skis, it was fun to use shorter parabolic carving skis.

    In the last fourteen years, I have only managed a scant week of skiing, and in that week (back in 2004) I managed to break my wrist while trying to snowboard.

    In moving to California, I was rather excited about the prospect of living within shooting distance of some serious mountains, so when a team of designers, architects and webby people invited me along, I immediately bit their hand off.

    Located to the south of the main Tahoe areas, Kirkwood has some of the best snowfall in the region, and while not quite waist-deep in powder, we at least had some pretty soapy white stuff to mess around on, with minimal ice.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the difference in experience between skiing in Europe and America. The super resorts in France are huge in comparison and really set up for a solid week of action; this is in contrast to here, where people get less vacation and want a weekend get-away.

    Skiing with a couple of Dutch people, it was interesting to discover just how many of the cultural references we shared from family holidays in the Alps; the Raclette and Fondue, the mixtures of European nations vying to be first onto the ski lift, and the uniform ridicule of mono skiers and their strange sense of fashion. I would also argue that, since people are only going for the weekend a few times a year – instead of saving for six months and going for 9 days – that people don’t invest to the same amount in lessons. You do see plenty of groups of ‘roll-ons’ though (we dubbed the wee kids in the helmets by this name, since they look like cans of roll-on deodorant) and the skills of some of the snowboarders, in particular, was breathtaking.

    But I ain’t complaining; skiing and hotdogs is a fine combination, and one I shall be partaking in again at the earliest possible convenience.

    Mister Ryan Gosling joined us for the weekend too.
    While trying to use my waterproof Pentax camera (the worst piece of product design ever?), I didn't quite manage to set up a proper group shot … but it's better when looking natural, right?
    Marieke, who is on the Dutch national synchronised skiing squad
    You can kind of see that the hills here are a bit more rolly than the Alps, but I ain't complaining.
  • Restart


    View over the bay from Mt. Diablo.

    Isn’t it odd that one of the most exciting periods of my life (moving from Taiwan, to the USA) has gone virtually undocumented on this blog? Talking to Markus, I wondered if it was simply that it was not strange enough to warrant writing about at length. My Dad even wondered if this phase of the blog, or maybe even my life, was drawing to a close. I think instead that I just needed a little break from it, and to return with some new-found energy, and fresh focus.

    I believe so. Hold that thought – normal programming will resume soon.

  • Local Cars for Local People

    Local Cars for Local People

    One of the pleasures of walking around the neighbourhood is checking out the exotic (and not so exotic) machinery on display. Everything from immaculately-prepared hotrods, through to European rust-buckets.

    Gorgeous slices of Detroit iron are all over the place. I find it funny that although I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about cars, I could not name most of them at a glance.
    'Patina' is what I think it is called.
    Except for the questionable alloys, there are quite a few older European classics as well. Inexplicably, there are Alfa Romeos everywhere; how they have not rusted into a pile of oxides by now I will never know.
    Whether it is the authentic colour or not matters not a jot (if that colour is bright orange, at least).
    There is a line of modified mid-90s luxe-barges over here, but that does not explain why you would want a graffiti mural on your Caddy.
    … and every so often you come across something utterly cute.
  • Cooking with Abe

    Cooking with Abe

    It’s been great to have Abe back in town for a couple of weeks. A great opportunity to hang out, get introduced to some awesome people, and get some kitchen time with Abe … great to have the place up and running for his arrival.

    Abe on cauliflower duty
    Cheers! And cheer up!
    Crab cakes from the local butchers … I am slowly falling in love with that place.
    Crab cakes, seared brussel sprouts, cauliflower leche … plus broccoli and spinach soup, and a wicked cheesecake that are not on view.
    Yay! – a marvellous holiday period with the clan Sitzer.
  • Some Recent Rides

    Some Recent Rides

    I am pleased to say I am making use of the bikes I brought from Taiwan.

    Highlights this month are without doubt my pilgrimage to Mt. Tam – spiritual home of mountain biking – and getting a ride in before work. Not just a standard pootle-along … a proper ride. Needless to say, I was a little tired in the office that day.


    Mt. Tam

    Prepping the bikes. I am pretty lucky to have a couple of others in the office that enjoy riding bikes (and skiing, and general outdoorsy things).
    Huffing and puffing on the up-hill … I think I pushed a little too hard early on, and struggled to keep up on the upper sections.
    Fantastic views from the top over to the Bay Area.
    … and classic down-hilling (though still lacking the seat-of-your-pants thrills of Taipei)

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    Belt Drive City Attack

    Stepping out early (my rental car and parking space in the background, incidentally)
    Climbing the not insubstantial hill behind my house.
    Ready to ride across the Golden Gate for the first time (!)
    An absurdly beautiful sunset over the Golden Gate … you can see how it got its name.
    The Transamerica looking even more cryptic than usual.

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    Pre-Work Ride

    Proper sub-zero conditions, and I had definitely not brought enough clothes – this is California!
    View from the top, looking down into Cupertino and San Jose
    I mean really … this is before work?!
    Lovely descending through single-track woodlands back to the car, shower, coffee (and a meeting).

    [custom_field field=”Pre-Work Ride” this_post=”1″ limit=”0″ between=”, ” /]


  • Pacifica – San Pedro Old Road

    Pacifica – San Pedro Old Road

    First ride for my Santa Cruz Blur LT in California today! We took the opportunity of a day off work (Thanksgiving) to head out into the hills. This ride is a solid lung-buster climb, followed by amazing views (sadly not for us though) and a swift descent down sandy fire road. A perfect blast and work out for an overcast morning.

    Start of the climb on pretty pleasant roads, following the ocean (amazing waves below us today).
    Checking the route
    Fabulous views from the top!
    Descending back down, and naturally the views start opening up – sadly not quite enough to really enjoy them though. On a good day I think it would be like Mt. Taimoshan in HK. Since it is a quick 20 minute drive from the city, there will be a next time!

    [custom_field field=”Pacifica – San Pedro” this_post=”1″ limit=”0″ between=”, ” /]


  • Thanksgiving on Stinson Beach

    Thanksgiving on Stinson Beach

    Given how diligently commercialised the rest of the holidays in America have become, it comes as a pleasant surprise just how innocent and positive Thanksgiving is. Gather with friends and family, eat a little too much, drink until tipsy, and in the case of about thirty other Californians, head to the beach to throw a ball around and enjoy the Autumn sunset.

    In that spirit (forgive me if I am getting a little too Californian here), I could not be where I am right now without the love and support of some great family and friends. I am an extremely lucky guy!


    Little Miss Sunshine
    Reminds me of a summer with the Scottish guys in Lacaneux
    Running home in time for dinner
  • Checking Out the Neighbourhood

    Checking Out the Neighbourhood

    The rental market in San Francisco is notoriously challenging. Estate agent advertising is virtually non-existent, and people rely on what should be a relic; Craigslist. It came as a bit of a shock, then, to be presented with a place almost perfectly matching our needs after a mere day and half of searching. It’s a modestly-sized, renovated Victorian apartment in the south of Noe Valley – the location balances access to the freeway, public transport downtown and while it is not quite as close to the beating heart of some of the areas like Potrero and Mission, that is probably not such a bad thing; we are but a walk away to Mexican food and more cosmopolitan entertainment. Noe Valley could be compared to Notting Hill … but with more Labradors and baby strollers.

    A short walk to the more exciting areas of Mission – here you will find the fixie bikes, hipsters and yoga, but also Mexican murals and awesome food from down south
    I am really excited by the food options – local, independent butchers, fruit and veg on the corner, any number of delicatessens … oh and online delivery for Safeway. No excuses not to cook now!
    Superb cafes within a stone's throw
    Super access to public transport … downtown only 15 minutes away on the new J-Line that runs by at the bottom of our street
    Our street – soon to be called home!
    And our home … not perhaps the most beautiful example of Victorian style, but it still means we have a little slice of San Francisco living.