Alamere Falling

Alamere Falling

A third hike to Alamere Falls, and still worth it. A lovely little hop from the city, and you find yourself walking along the coast with views as far as the city and Point Reyes. Naturally, the jewel in the crown are the falls that cascade down to the beach; the weather has been a bit dry of late so they were not quite as plump as they have been – but still a nice treat from a busy week.

No filter or editing at all.
No filter or editing at all, honest.
Pleasing organisation. Todd on the left, Jos in the middle, and Allegra on the right.
Pleasing organisation. Todd on the left, Jos in the middle, and Allegra on the right.
Allegra gives Jos a friendly scratch on the back of the head.
Allegra gives Jos a friendly scratch on the back of the head.
The drive home.
The drive home.

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