Kenting’s ‘Spring Scream’ is the highest profile music festival in Taiwan. So, along with Erin and a few friends we winged our way down south to the sunshine – thankfully free of the stifling humidity that plagues Taipei. I am doing a little experiment using Google Maps to log the positions of where I am…
After almost zero publicity, myself and my friends discovered that The Prodigy were playing Taipei. Rather an unusual location too – in the national soccer stadium – so I was interested to go and check it out based on the olde Chinese arcitecture. It was definitely worth it, and was as crazy as a Tuesday…
National Theatre at the Chang Kai Shek Memorial Hall – my Boss’ great grand dad. Paul, a Taiwanese musician friend, invited me out today with a group of friends for his birthday. Rather stylishly, we saw the Russian Philharmonia Symphony Orchestra of Moscow perform some numbers from Shostakovic (spelling I am sure is wrong) and…
Maywa Denki – Utter Insanity After a dangerously quiet weekend of staying in, eating well, avoiding alcohol (mostly) and mountain biking I got a tip from Michael to check out Japanese art rockers Maywa Denki at Luxy. Quite seriously, I have never had my mouth open for more at a concert – either in disbelief,…