Maywa Denki – Utter Insanity
After a dangerously quiet weekend of staying in, eating well, avoiding alcohol (mostly) and mountain biking I got a tip from Michael to check out Japanese art rockers Maywa Denki at Luxy. Quite seriously, I have never had my mouth open for more at a concert – either in disbelief, awe or laughter. However, I am not quite sure which was stranger – the Japanese band, or the reaction by the Taiwanese, who predictably spent the concert sitting on the floor, as if at school.

Summing up the band is quite difficult. Indeed, the pictures fail to capture the charisma of the lead singer, or the stern, steely gaze of the ’employees.’ Stopping in the middle of the performance to explain that their musical instruments shed some light – “MANY MANY SWITCHIE, 100 VOLTIES, KA PAAANG!”

The employees, with products behind… note my favourite star-shaped xylophones
Maywa Denki used to be the lead singer’s Father’s company. Passed onto him, he deemed that art and rock were more important, but maintained a tight focus on product. As such, the musical instruments are controlled by the aformentioned switches and replicate guitars, percussion or exploding dolls. Goods can be ordered from theire web site here. Hard to sum up, perhaps these photos do a better job!