We had initially planned an easy Friday, taking in the more touristy trails while it was quiet, and then a harder Saturday when the trail we wanted to do was still likely to be quiet. It worked out to be the same, since the whole place was deserted and the weather reports were poor, falsely.
The trail we did went up to Bamboo Village via several trails hanging to cliffs and across more suspension bridges. The weather was okay, managing a light, cooling drizzle for much of the day. It gave the hills an atmospheric hue though, which added to the kung fu movie fantasy.
The early section of the trail gave us the jitters, somewhat. All the railings dividing the walkers from touching the void were bent into bizarre shapes by the intense rock fall from above. Bearing in mind they were made of steel, and the fact that we saw a live land slide the previous day, we kept our heads down and passed the section and reached relative safety (or at least the end of the railings – we just had a big cliff, but less reminders of the rock fall).
Rock Fall
Dad and I played monster poo sticks on the way back, but were soundly beaten by Mum when she arrived with a 30 ft bamboo monster. I was asked to remind everyone that it was her poo stick, and not anyone else’s.
Mum’s Poo Stick