Tag: Holiday

  • Mince Pies, mid-process. I had, in my thirty years, never been away from my village for Christmas, bar trips to family around the country. As adorable as that is, it was high time I flew the nest during the festive period. Thoughtfully, my sister agreed with this and timed delivery of a new addition to…

  • Borneo

    “Borneo” I have always liked the name of the place, associating it with adventure and danger, with Tintin and mysterious happenings in the jungle. Right up there with Zanzibar, Madagascar, Peru and Tazmania in the adventurous naming competition. It comprises territories from Brunei, Indonesia and Borneo, and is wedged into the water between peninsular Malaysia…

  • Suschi

    I am feeling a little over-indulgent with my travel of late, with not so much a ‘Carbon Footprint’, as treading my big, muddy carbon boots across the carpet and into the living room. Indeed, checking my Dopplr record, I have clocked up 3200 kg of CO2 since June. Ouch. Cute as a button Anyway, I…

  • http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649 I have quite some photography and writing to catch up on, but for good reason; it’s been super busy here for the last month or so, and I have barely had time to unpack. In between landing from the UK, and spending time in Shanghai and Kunshan, I managed a diversion on the way…

  • Local girl imitating the cat statues that pepper the island – it is said that they protect the island, but mainly they look crazy and cool, scattered as they are across the roof tops and other unlikely places. I took advantage of the long weekend last week to jump on an airplane for the Japan…

  • The Hong Kong Sevens – carnival of the Rugby world – landed in Hong Kong the same weekend as me, but I managed to assemble my own team to compete with anything they had to offer. As is customary when I visit Hong Kong, I seem to gather an improbable number of friends and family…

  • Rule number one for me – no internet, e-mail or mobile access. Worth it. So yeah, last week I came back from ten days running around Cambodia and Laos. These two countries have been lurking on my list of places I fancied visiting for the whole time I have been in Taiwan, and while I…

  • Getting some headspace on my ‘Data Holiday’ in Laos & Cambodia – and watching kids messing around in the Mekong River I just got back from ten days of exploring and generally running around Laos and Cambodia, and am feeling all the better for it. My self-imposed ban on all feeds digital, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘www’…

  • Dad and I braved the incredible (almost) sub-zero temperatures to attempt to ride along the new-fangled Guided Busway route from St. Ives to Cambridge, using the old railway lines. Running was smooth for much of the way, but we hot trouble where the construction ran out, and the mud arrived in typical self-adhesive fashion, entirely…

  • After a taxing week in Shanghai on business, I busted down on a whim to visit Tanja and Michael in Hong Kong, who had moved a few days earlier. A perfect blend of hanging out on boats, swigging beer, munching great food and generally catching up, I look forward to the coming months and having…