Mum & Dad!

Leaving work on Friday and rushing off to the airport was a pleasant change for an evening’s entertainment. It was amazing to see them walk through the door and have a massive family group hug. They were in pretty good spirits after the flight (and had not had the ordeal Ele went through) and we headed off for Taipei to install them in their hotel (‘The Feeling Hotel’ near my house). My Dad had spent some time in Singapore ten years ago, but it was my Mother’s first time. It was amusing to see them noticing the same things I did, but that I have now got used to – ‘the road signs are in Chinese!’

Mum! Dad!

They were utterly full of juice due to the jet lag, so I thought it wise that we head immediately for Shilin Night market to deliver the full Taiwan blow. It was quite a quiet night due to the rain but that meant you could at least walk through it in less than half an hour. It was still a pretty intense audio/visual experience for the folks, though!

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