The Old Quarter – Hanoi

Hangin’ in Hanoi

I spent the morning wandering around the ancient back streets of Hanoi’s old merchant district, and despite the hazy weather, the sights (and sounds) are pretty intoxicating.

It’s quite hard to form a fully rounded opinion, but from looking at the buildings and seeing people riding their real Vespas, I am getting the impression that the Vietnamese have taste. This is sure to evaporate as soon as major wealth hits the middle classes, but for now I am quite impressed.

The buildings are surely my favourite thing about the place, and there is a really rich tapestry of elements and influences that make for super hustle and bustle semi-European feel. It’s no surprise, but it really reminds me of some of the French quarter in Shangha, and although it might be a vain hope, I do hope it avoids the wrecking ball. A generation of development and this could turn into te best
cafe district in Asia.

Anyway, enough from me. I am still amazed that I seem to have wireless access wherever I go

A close shave