Street Walking

Feeling slightly worse for wear from the previous night, I met up with Lorenzo. He was in a very relaxed mood, so we decided to street drink our way across some new parts of town. It is kind of like skateboarding, but with beer. The idea is that you save lots of money that can be spent on food and blinking products, you see more and in general strange things happen.

This time we went to the Shanglian area near to Main Station and had a look around. This is more or less the old area of town and it has an amazing character too it – more like Hong Kong, or perhaps a littl feel of NYC, Milan or London. Anyway, a bit more run down and relaxed with itself, rather than inmost places that are straining to be something higher class. We got some great chat off the street vendors and and some of the girls on clothes stalls.

Shanglian Market – underground world

Astonishing old bike

Evil cat, mounted in a harness on this lady – apparently she goes out to the night market every night with it.

One response to “Street Walking”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    OK. The cat harness on woman thing is WRONG…

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